Bad Things Come Back to Us

by Lah


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One day, in a small village, a beautiful enchantress wondered around the village shouting: “When we devise bad things for others, bad things come back to us.” The enchantress shouted three times in a row, but nobody could see her.

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In the same village, there lived a rich man and his only son. The rich man heard the enchantress’s words and kept them in his mind, wondering how planning bad things for others and bad things can come back to us. He wanted to test the enchantress’s words and kept them to see if her words were true.

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One day, he made delicious bread rolls to share with the students at his son’s school, which was right next to their house. Inside one of the bread rolls, the rich man put poison. The rich man did not want his son to eat the poisoned bread roll.

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That day, the rich man did not allow his son to go to school. He locked up his son in his room so that he would not be able to get out. In the afternoon, while the school kids were playing outside during the recess, the rich man headed to school and kindly handed the bread rolls to the teacher and said, “These are for the students.” The teacher accepted them.

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In the meanwhile, the rich man’s son got bored and opened his window. He saw the kids having fun outside and wanted to play with them, so he sneaked out of the window. After recess, the kids headed back to eat lunch. The teacher was passing out the bread rolls that the rich man had made.

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Every kid got a bread roll. The rich man’s son also had a bread roll. While everyone was eating, the rich man’s son collapsed. Everyone was frightened; they didn’t know what happened to the rich man’s son.

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The teacher went over to the boy to see what had happen to him and found he was dead. The teacher called the rich man and said, “I'm sorry your son died during lunch.” At that moment, the rich man immediately rushed to his son’s room to see if he was there. The young boy was nowhere to be seen.

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The rich man rushed to the school and saw his son lying on the floor. Broken-hearted, the rich man cried, for his one and only son had died. He remembered the enchantress’s words. However, it was too late. The evil deed was done.

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The moral of the story is: When we devise bad things for others, bad things come back to us.

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